Download Visual Studio 2022 17.9.4

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Microsoft has released version 17.9.4 of Visual Studio 2022, a version with extended support. This popular programming development environment, available in Community, Professional and Enterprise flavors, has useful options to make programming in Visual C++, Visual Basic, C#, F# and Python easier. The new version is fully 64bit and has a simplified user interface. More information about version 17.9 is available this page from Microsoft. The changelog for version this release looks like this:

What's New

  • Addressed an issue where the code editor would become blank if it fails at loading a font.
  • Fixed an issue where document windows can get stuck in a very small, unusable size.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when compiling Unreal Engine.
  • Fixed these data structures that are not displayed correctly in VS Debugger: Concurrency::concurrent_unordered_set, Concurrency::concurrent_unordered_multiset, Concurrency::concurrent_unordered_map, Concurrency::concurrent_unordered_multimap.
  • Fixed a bug where keyboard shortcuts stopped working when opening the Create Pull Request window from the notification shown after pushing a branch.

Developer Community

Version number 17.9.4
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows 11
Website Microsoft
License type Paid
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