Download Lunacy 9.5.0

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Lunacy is a free graphic design program for Windows, Linux and macOS. It has a large amount of baked-in content, such as icons, photos, masked images and illustrations. It is also able to open Sketch files and use Sketch plugins. The program is actively developed and Icons8 seems to listen carefully to the community. Version 9.5 has been released and since version 9.4 the following changes and improvements have been made:

Lunacy version 9.5.0

FREE format

The default file format in Lunacy is now .free, which is almost fully compatible with the features from the Figma and Sketch formats. We designed .free to address the issues available in .sketch when it comes to very large design files. From the users' point of view .free brings:

  • Much lower file sizes, especially of files with thousands of layers, like design systems and similar.
  • Up to 2 times faster saving and opening of files.

We encourage developers to join the .free format community and integrate it into their products. The specification of the free format is available on GitHub under the MIT license. Key advantages of .free:

  • Optimized for large documents.
  • Human readable JSON.
  • Expandable file structure: a simple archive with JSON files and assets.


  • # Does Lunacy still work with Sketch?
    Yes, Lunacy still supports .sketch like no other app, except Sketch itself. But for better experience with Lunacy, we recommend using .free.
  • # Can I convert .free to .sketch or vice versa?
    Yes. You can easily convert between the formats using the Save as option.

Lunacy version 9.4.2

  • Fixed the bug with the minimum macOS version requirement of 14.0. Now Lunacy runs flawlessly on macOS 11 and higher.

Version number 9.5.0
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, macOS, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Icons8
License type Freeware
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