Samsung is working on its own game streaming platform for smart TVs

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Samsung says it wants to create its own cloud gaming platform. That is being made for Tizen TVs from the manufacturer, but details are still missing. For example, it is not known when the service will be released or on which other platforms the service may have to work.

Samsung mentioned the development of the platform during its Developers Keynote. The company has not yet provided details. Samsung just says it’s working on a platform to “diversify the game selection.” The platform is intended to work on smart TVs running Samsung’s own Tizen operating system. It is not known whether the cloud service will also come to other platforms, and which games will eventually be released for it.

In the past, Samsung has already made forays into game streaming. In 2012, it entered into an agreement with Gaikai, a streaming service from Sony. This also made it possible to stream games to Samsung TVs.

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CloudGamesOperating systemSamsungSonyStreamStreaming