PS3 players CoD: Ghosts complain about large amount of unjustified permabans

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Publisher Activision has distributed a large amount of permabans to players of the PlayStation 3 version of Call of Duty: Ghosts. Many players of the game complain via forums and Twitter that bans have been wrongly handed out.

Activision does not disclose how many bans it concerns. What appears from various topics and tweets is that it concerns players of the PlayStation 3 version of the game and that it concerns console bans. This means that Ghosts multiplayer cannot be played on the same console while logged in to a different PSN account.

A topic has been created on Reddit, among others, about the ban wave, and also on Twitter flow complaints about the subject. Among other things, there is talk of a ban for a player with a ‘k/d ratio of 0.2’. In addition, a player immediately took the opportunity to start a petition asking for more transparency from Activision in their ban policy. In a response to Reddit, the Official Activision Support states that “bans are only deployed after an account has been investigated” and that those bans are “final and irreversible”. Still, some users report that bans on their consoles have been rolled back at a later date, giving the impression that Activision is still studying things more closely. The publisher has not yet commented on the complaints.

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