One in three insurers do not offer liability coverage for hoverboards

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Damage or injury caused when riding a hoverboard on a public road is often not covered. Almost a third of the insurers indicate that the liability for damage is not covered. Other insurers have requirements.

According to Independer, who did a tour of insurers, there is arbitrariness in dealing with liability for hoverboards. A third of the insurers surveyed offer no cover at all. Other insurance companies do offer coverage, but only under certain conditions.

For example, ABN AMRO only offers cover for liability in the event of damage if the hoverboard did not drive faster than 16 km/h, while Reaal only offers cover if the user drove on their own property, with a maximum speed of 6 km/h. With other insurers there is a lack of clarity about the coverage. For example, ZLM states that there is cover for hoverboards as children’s toys, but that an adult can be excluded.

The advice is to consumers to inquire with their insurers before they hit the road with a hoverboard and also to be wary of fines, because use on public roads is prohibited. This concerns hoverboards, so-called airwheels and other electric vehicles without steering wheel. Segways, and electric scooters and scooters are allowed on public roads.
