Netflix is ​​experimenting with picture-in-picture on desktop

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Netflix is ​​experimenting with a picture-in-picture feature for the desktop. Users can place them over other apps, although that now only works as a test in the Netflix app itself.

Several users are now seeing the notification in their app, reports Engadget, among others. It is not known how many users are already seeing the feature, but for some it has been available for several weeks.

The feature appears in the form of a button at the bottom of the playback bar, next to the option to choose subtitles or fast forward. Users who use the feature will see the playback screen in a ‘pop-out player’ that can be placed on top of other content on the screen. The player can be resized, but subtitles don’t work yet.

It’s a feature that Netflix built itself, and not the built-in picture-in-picture mode that Chrome or Safari use. Netflix tells Engadget that it is still a test, but not when it will be made official.
