Microsoft will temporarily stop non-essential updates for Windows from May

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Microsoft will only release security updates for Windows from May. The C and D releases, with non-essential additions, will be paused. Microsoft says it is doing that to keep Windows running as stable as possible during the corona pandemic.

The measure applies to all Windows supported versions, from Windows 10 1909 to Windows Server 2008 SP2. Microsoft says it will stop with non-essential updates in order to prioritize monthly security updates. It is unknown when Microsoft will resume the regular update schedule. Until May there will also be non-essential updates, why Microsoft will stop with them in more than a month and not before is also not clear.

Microsoft classifies its Windows updates in categories B, C and D. The B release comes out every second Tuesday of the month and contains security updates. In the third and fourth weeks of the month, Microsoft releases the C and D releases with non-security adjustments. The intention is that during that phase the features from the C and D versions can be tested and can appear in the B release next month. Due to the measure, there will be no more C and D releases from May and therefore no new functionality will appear in Windows. The B releases with security updates are going ahead as planned.

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