Microsoft invests billion dollars in OpenAI

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Microsoft is partnering with the company behind OpenAI. The tech giant is investing a billion dollars and will work with the organization to build a hardware and software platform for artificial intelligence within Azure.

As a result of the investment, OpenAI is moving all its services to Azure. New technology that is being worked on will also run on Microsoft’s cloud platform. The collaboration should deliver a new hardware and software platform in Azure with which a computational model of ‘unprecedented scale’ can be set up. The goal is to train advanced AI models with this.

Microsoft will collaborate with OpenAI to set up the artificial general intelligence that the non-profit organization has in mind. OpenAI’s mission is to develop artificial intelligence that benefits humanity. The goal is to develop artificial intelligence that can match and exceed the level of a human being. The agi then has to come up with solutions for global problems together with people.

Research institute OpenAI was founded in 2015 by several top people from the tech industry. SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk was one of the founders, but he left the organization to focus more on his own companies. Musk is still a donor.

OpenAI was initially a non-profit organization, but earlier this year a company was also formed in the form of a limited partnership. The organization said it is doing that to grow faster. The deal with Microsoft was made through that new company.

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Artificial intelligenceAzureCloudElonElon MuskGeneralGlobalGoalHardwareHumanInstituteMicrosoftMindSoftwareSpaceXTesla