Huawei stops handing out codes to release bootloader

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Huawei has announced that the company will stop handing out codes to release the bootloader. This makes it a lot harder to get root access to the company’s phones and install proprietary operating systems.

The new policy was discovered by an XDA user, who came across a notification on Huawei’s unlock page. In the notification, the company indicates that it is no longer possible to request unlock codes for phones that were released after May 24. For older models, this option will disappear in 60 days.

Why Huawei has suddenly decided to adopt this policy is only briefly explained. The company claims in this way to create a better user experience and avoid problems with flashing ROMs.

The page to request unlock codes for phones from Honor and Huawei went offline last month. As compensation, Huawei placed a Google form online, with which the codes can still be requested. This form is now closed.

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