Doom Eternal gets Horde Mode on Tuesday in update 6.66

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Doom Eternal will receive the promised Horde Mode with update 6.66 on October 26, so next Tuesday. That’s the mode that replaces Invasion Mode, which was scrapped. In addition, there will be a Battlemode 2.0 and two new Master Levels.

In Horde Mode, players sit in arenas in which they must defeat increasingly difficult ‘waves’ of enemies. Eventually the waves will come to an end and then the leaderboard score will be looked at by players, which depends on multiple factors, such as speed. Doom Eternal game director Hugo Martin also gave an extensive demonstration of the new mode in a live stream. He describes it as ‘roguelike-ish’ in the sense that after attempting the mode one can start over with a better knowledge of what the different waves are all about.

Battlemode is the game mode in which one player takes on the role of the Doom Slayer and two other players control demons. This so-called asymmetric multiplayer mode will also get a major update on Tuesday, but about that leave developer id Software nothing release at this time.

Doom Eternal was released in March of 2020 and has since received two DLCs: The Ancient Gods: Part One and Part Two. The game is available for Windows, Google Stadia, Nintendo Switch and both the previous and current generation PlayStation and Xbox, including next-gen upgrades.
