Dell Studio XPS 1647 also gets new bios for better performance

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Due to performance issues, Dell has released a new BIOS for its Studio XPS 1647 laptop. Previously, the Studio XPS 1645 and several laptops from the Latitude and Precision series already received such an update.

The Studio XPS 1647’s underperformance was according to Dell again to faulty throttle algorithms. With this mechanism, the processor is clocked back if it gets too hot. According to the company, it is normal for this to occur with prolonged intensive use. However, several of Dell’s laptop series have been shown to unnecessarily limit performance with the company’s throttle implementation. A Studio XPS 1647 laptop with the old BIOS was unable to utilize the full power of the 90W adapter and therefore throttled too early. This issue has been resolved in the new BIOS.

In February, users of the Studio XPS 1645 also received the advice request an adapter with more power from Dell. According to the hardware giant, this is not necessary with the Studio XPS 1647, because it has an Intel Arrendale processor, which consumes less energy. Nevertheless, users who find that their adapter is getting too hot can request a heavier version from the support department.
