Check Tom Hardy in the new Venom trailer

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Sony has released just before the premiere of Avengers: Infinity War a second trailer for Venom, the anti-Spider Man played by Tom Hardy. He plays in the film Eddie Brock, the man who is chosen by a symbiotic and therefore gets all kinds of super powers. He does not use them specifically to make the world better, but it will be a spectacular gang.

Sony has already said that this film will be part of the ‘Sony Marvel Universe’ and that means that it must be very strange if we do not at least get a glimpse of Spider-Man as we put it in Homecoming saw.

This trailer, in any case, makes up for what we missed in the first teaser: Venom itself. You can see exactly how the thing that has settled on Hardy comes up, so if you really do not want to see how that works you can not watch the trailer.

On the other hand: The whole idea of ​​Venom is that constant transformation and chances are that we will see it very, very often in the film. And if you do not watch now you have to wait until the beginning of October to see the film in its entirety, and that takes a very long time …

FilmSonyspider manTeaserTrailer