Capcom Announces Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Streamed Version for Switch

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Capcom has announced a version of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard for the Nintendo Switch. The game seems to only be released in Japan for now and is called Cloud Edition, because players have to stream the game and cannot install it.

The game is a 42MB download, according to the listing in the Japanese e-Shop. Users can play the game for free for 15 minutes, after which they can purchase access to the game. That access costs 2000 yen, converted currently about 15 euros, to be allowed to play for six months.

The game includes the original game and all the DLC, Nintendo says. This concerns Banned Footage Volume 1 and 2, End of Zoe and Not a Hero. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard was released last year for PlayStation 4, PSVR, Windows and Xbox One. It seems that the Cloud Edition will only be released for the Japanese market. No version has been announced in other languages ​​or for other countries.

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CapcomCloudDLCDownloadHEROJapanJapaneseNintendoPlaystationPlaystation 4PSVRStreamVolumeWindowsXboxXbox One