Apple iPhone 6 will be released in Germany on September 19

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Apple’s iPhone 6 will be released in Germany on September 19, according to a new rumor. A German fansite has documents from provider Deutsche Telekom in which that date is mentioned. Earlier rumors also pointed to a release in September.

A September 19 release would be at the same time of the year as the iPhone 5s and 5c, both of which became available in Germany on September 20 last year. The iPhone 5 was released on September 21, 2012. Earlier rumors also spoke of a release around September, but it is the first time that a concrete date has come out. The documents in which Deutsche Telekom mentions the date are in the hands of

Because ApfelPage does not show the documents and because it is unclear whether Apple shares a date with carriers that far in advance, it remains unclear to what extent the information is reliable. It is unknown whether Apple itself has set an exact release date more than three months in advance; in previous years, such information did not come out via providers.

If Apple indeed wants to release the iPhone 6 on September 19, the manufacturer will show the device for the first time on September 9. In recent years, the manufacturer showed its new iPhone ten days before release.

The iPhone 6 would have a larger screen than the current iPhones: 4.7″ compared to the 4″ of the iPhone 5s and 5c. The resolution would be 1704×960 pixels. In addition, it would have a new design, with rounded sides, instead of the “sandwich design” that Apple has applied since the iPhone 4. There are already many dummies for sale that claim to have the exact dimensions and placement of buttons. It is impossible to determine whether they are accurate.

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AppleDeutscheDeutsche TelekomGermanGermanyiPhoneiPhone 5sTelekom