Download Zend Framework 2.0.0dev1/ 1.10.7

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Zend has released version 1.10.7 and the first development milestone of version 2.0 of its Zend Framework. This framework focuses on facilitating the design, writing and maintenance of php applications. To make this possible, APIs from Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo and Flickr, among others, have been integrated. Furthermore, the program includes search functionality and support for ajax and RSS and atom syndication. The corresponding announcements look like this:

First Development Milestone of ZF 2.0 Released

Yesterday, the Zend Framework team tagged the first development milestone of Zend Framework 2.0 (2.0.0dev1). It is immediately downloadable from the Zend Framework servers.

NOTE! This release is not considered of production quality, and is released solely to provide a development snapshot for purposes of testing and research. Use at your own risk.

This release is the culmination of several months of work, and incorporates the following features:

  • Removal of all require_once statements.
  • Migration to namespaces.
  • Refactoring of the test suite, including:
    • Removal of all “AllTests.php” files.
    • Removal of unreferenced test classes.
    • Limited refactoring to move helper classes into their own files.
    • Refactoring or conditional testing.
  • Rewrite of Zend\Session from the ground up. This required creation of a new component, Zend\SignalSlot, for handling observers and creating filter chains.
  • Addition of a new Zend\Stdlib namespace for interfaces and utility classes; in particular, we added extensions to SplQueue, SplStack, and SplPriorityQueue to create serializable versions of these classes.

We have done some “real-world” testing of the release by building the Quick Start application, as well as migrating an existing demo application to ZF2. We were able to achieve both goals, demonstrating that while the release is certainly pre-alpha, it is definitely functional.

There is much work yet to be done. Today, we published a rough roadmap of milestones we will be working towards. This roadmap only addresses components with cross-cutting concerns, but serves as a guide for development in the coming months. If you are interested in contributing, be sure to sign our Contributors License Agreement (CLA), and read the “README-DEV.txt” file in the release. We also suggest you join the zf-contributors mailing list, and join in discussions on the IRC channel on Freenode.

Zend Framework 1.10.7 Released

The Zend Framework team announces the immediate availability of Zend Framework 1.10.7, our seventh maintenance release in the 1.10 series. This release includes around 60 bug fixes.

For those uses of Zend_Service_Twitter, please ensure you upgrade to 1.10.6 or 1.10.7 ASAP. These releases introduce a change in the Zend_Service_TWitter API that enforces the use of OAuth by default when using methods that require authentication. The change was introduced to help prepare Zend Framework users for the Twitter OAuthcalypse in mid-August. (If you cannot upgrade, there are other ways to integrate Zend_Oauth with Zend_Service_Twitter.)

You may download ZF 1.10.7 from the Zend Framework site.

I’d like to thank everyone who contributed code to these releases, including those who submitted patches, translated documentation, or reported issues. Keep your eyes peeled for another maintenance release at the end of next month! 1.11.0 Release Planned

In related news, we are planning a 1.11.0 release for the end of September. This will incorporate bugfixes from the 1.10 series, updates and normalization to validator translation strings, and a variety of new features.

If you have an existing component proposal you would like considered for 1.11.0, please be aware that you will also be required to port it to ZF 2.0; if that does not deter you, please create a proposal ASAP and contact the Community Review Team.

Version number 2.0.0dev1 / 1.10.7
Release status beta
Operating systems script language
Website Send Technologies
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
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