Download Iconoid 3.4.1

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SillySot Software has released version 3.4.1 of Iconoid. With this program you can manage the icons on your desktop. For example, it is possible to fix and replace the position of all icons per resolution, make the background of the icons transparent, or even dynamically hide icons when you don’t need them. Also, it can automatically choose the best color of the text background. The software is published under sillywarelicense, which means that if you use the program, you are encouraged to send the author something crazy. Everything is allowed, as long as it has no value. The changelog for this release looks like this:

Change History:

  • Added -quiet command line switch to suppress some error dialogs. This is not recommended though since some warnings are suppressed and things may seem to not work and you won’t know why.
  • When Icons are hidden, a left click on the desktop makes them temporarily visible.
  • Maybe fixed some occasions when hidden taskbar would not surface correctly… maybe.
  • Fixed some regressions in setting icon positions
    • Icons not repositioned when Iconoid ends while in top/edge/scrambled/… etc modes
    • Save positions features enabled while in top/edge/scrambled/… etc modes (can lead to position loss)
    • Positioning icons around the edge produced incorrect results
    • Wrong symbol for icon dance button on Tray tab (X/?)


Version number 3.4.1
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website SillySot Software
File size


License type Freeware
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