Xbox players Halo Infinite call for option to opt-out crossplay by cheaters

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Many Halo Infinite players on Xbox are calling on 343 Studios in a Reddit topic to allow console players to isolate themselves from PC players. This is because the first cheats in the game’s multiplayer have been discovered.

A topic on /r/XboxSeriesX calls for the introduction of an opt-out for crossplay. The conversation generated nearly a thousand responses from users in five days. Currently, the game does not offer options in this area. The only option the creators give is for players to limit themselves to lobbies with only controller players. Those players can also play on PCs, where the hacks presumably take place. Videos of cheaters are regularly posted online.

The functionality requested is not uncommon. Call of Duty: Warzone, Apex Legends, Battlefield 2042, Overwatch and Destiny 2 are examples of games where one is able to limit or disable crossplay to a greater or lesser extent.

Halo Infinite is partially available: the free multiplayer can be downloaded as an open beta. On Steam alone, the game currently attracts 150,000 to 200,000 players at peak times. It’s no different on the Xbox. The paid single player will be available on December 8, after more than a year’s delay.

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