WhatsApp can display Facebook and Instagram videos in its own iOS app

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WhatsApp has received an update that allows users to play videos from Facebook and Instagram in the app of the chat service. The functionality is currently only available on iOS.

After this update, users on, for example, an iPhone or an iPad, when opening a link to a video on Facebook or Instagram, no longer have to leave WhatsApp to view the video. Facebook owns both WhatsApp and Instagram and is trying to integrate the services more with this update.

The update, which WhatsApp released for iOS on Monday, also adds an option for a group admin to remove admin rights from other participants. Also, since the last WhatsApp update, group managers can choose who can change the group’s icon and description.

This update of WhatsApp is currently only available for iOS devices. It is still unclear when the update will also be released for Android.

AndroidFacebookInstagramiOSiPadiPhoneWhatsappWhatsApp update