VLC is working on Chromecast support

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The iOS version of VLC is getting Chromecast support. Developers say they are currently working on it. Desktop versions for Windows, Mac and Linux are also in the pipeline.

Developer Felix Paul Kühne says after forum questions that developers are busy with Chromecast support for VLC’s iOS version, GigaOm discovered. It is not yet clear when support for the HDMI dongle from Google will be released.

Kühne also indicates on the VLC forum that the developers are working on a desktop variant for Windows, Mac and Linux. According to him, this takes more time, because those programs are ‘slightly more difficult’ to make. For example, Google has not released an SDK for this. This means that the VLC team must either reverse engineer or make VLC work with the Chrome browser.

The VLC media player is very popular as the open source software is available for a wide variety of platforms and supports numerous codecs out-of-the-box. By adding Chromecast support, users can cast content from a smartphone or desktop to a television via VLC.

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