Vevida renews hosting packages and implements price increase

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Hosting provider Vevida introduces new hosting packages. They will run on Windows Server, which means that users will have to pay much more. The cheapest hosting package will soon cost more than 18 euros per month.

Vevida writes that the new packages come from a new web hosting platform. Where customers could previously rent space without Microsoft SQL Server databases, they now get packages that do. However, it remains possible to take hosting on a Linux server for less money, or just a WordPress hosting package.

Three packages will be available that replace Secure Hosting and Premium Hosting. Win-Standard, Win-Pro, and Win-Premium contain 25GB, 50GB, and 100GB of storage space, respectively, and 5, 10, and 25 MySQL databases. Space for mailboxes goes to 5GB, 10GB and 15GB, but the number of mailboxes is limited to 50, 100 and 250.

All new packages get unlimited data traffic, and an unlimited number of ftp accounts. The company also says it will add new protection against DDoS attacks, and it will be possible to set up cronjobs yourself.

The prices are therefore rising, in some cases it is almost a doubling. Secure Hosting and Premium Hosting used to cost about 10 and 16 euros, but the new packages start at more than 18 euros. In addition, users have to pay separately for domain names. This was always supplied free of charge with the packages, but now costs 16.93 euros per year.

The price increases will take effect on 1 March, but will only be settled when customers extend their contract. Users who host Windows files on their server will be transferred automatically.

Old monthly price New monthly price
Secure Hosting € 9.68
Premium Hosting €15.73
Win-Standard €18.14
Win-Pro € 24.19
Win-Premium €30.24
WordPress hosting €13.31 €12.10

Prices include VAT. Vevida itself communicates prices exclusive of VAT.

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DDoSDomainFTPLinuxMicrosoftMySQLPremiumProtectionSQLSQL ServerTrafficVATWindowsWindows ServerWordpress