Valve Developer Suggests More Half-Life Games Are Coming

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Valve sees Half-Life: Alyx as a “return to the franchise” and not the end of it. Developer Robin Walker gives that answer in an interview when asked if Half-Life 3 is still coming. Concrete details about what will happen after the release of the VR game are not yet available.

In an interview with Game Informer, the developer says that Half-Life means a lot to Valve. He emphasizes that Half-Life: Alyx has many team members who have been with the company since Half-Life 2 came out. It also involves a number of developers who still worked on the first Half-Life game. The first game came out in 1998, part two came out in 2004.

After 2004, expansions for Half-Life 2 appeared, the last in 2007. Now, thirteen years, later, a new game is released for the first time in the series, in the form of VR game Half-Life: Alyx. This game takes place between the first two parts.

Perhaps the new VR game will also provide answers to the open ending of Episode 2, the latest Half-Life 2 expansion. Walker says it’s “not a bad idea” for players to replay that expansion before getting started with the VR game. He also states that the new game will be an important part of ‘the bigger story’.

Valve will release Half-Life: Alyx on March 23. Earlier this week, the developer shared a number of gameplay videos showing the different ways to move. A new video appeared on IGN on Wednesday showing the start of the game introducing players to various aspects, such as weapon reloading. Valve developers Robin Walker and Corey Peters comment.

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