Tinkerers make selfie camera from TI calculator

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A developer has transformed a Texas Instruments graphing calculator into a selfie camera with a craft project. This one is built with a GameBoy camera and an Arduino board. However, the camera does not seem to be very practical.

A webpage explaining the project appeared on Cemetech. The concept is called Articam and is based on Texas Instruments graphing calculators, for example the popular TI-83 or TI-84. The camera uses an M64282FP sensor that comes from the GameBoy Camera. The sensor is connected to an Arduino board. The Articl software library is used to connect the Arduino to the TI calculator. This library is specially built for linking the calculator and the Arduino.

The mod makes it possible to take a photo via the TI calculator. These have a resolution of only 128 by 123 pixels in grayscale. As a result, the camera is not very practical to use. Those interested in modifying their graphing calculator, which are more often used for mod projects, can follow the instructions on Cemetech and download the necessary firmware there.

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