The Internet Archive creates an archive about the early days of digital communication

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The Internet Archive has started an archive about the early days of amateur radio and digital communication. The archive should eventually contain newsletters, books, pamphlets, videos, photos, amateur radio broadcasts and podcasts.

The Internet Archive wants to use the archive, which will be called the Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications, will chart both the genesis of amateur radio and the early days of digital communication. With regard to digital communication forms, the team will try to collect all digital communication forms from the early 1970s to the 1990s. The team lists newsletters, books, pamphlets, websites, podcasts, videos, photos and software. Special attention will be given to amateur radio programs and podcasts, as well as initiatives emanating from women and minority groups.

Tech historian Kay Savetz will try to steer the project in the right direction. He proposes opposite Gizmodo that interviews will also be conducted with key figures from the amateur radio world. The Internet Archive ultimately wants to make the archive publicly accessible.

Update, 13:25: Lead content and source text adjusted. Previously, it was suggested that the amateur radio programs that will be collected must have originated from the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. That doesn’t seem to be the case. Thanks to Bux666’s response.

Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications

Internet ArchiveRadio