Steam will soon reveal whether games support PlayStation controllers

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Steam will soon reveal whether games support DualShock 4 and DualSense controllers. The gaming platform is currently asking developers to provide that information. The info will eventually be shown in the Steam store and desktop client.

Steam recently added a new developer questionnaire to Steamworks. This allows developers to indicate to what extent their game supports different controllers. Developers can indicate this themselves based on various criteria. This makes it possible, for example, to indicate ‘full’ or ‘partial’ controller support.

Developers can also indicate separately in that questionnaire whether their game works with DualShock or DualSense controllers from Sony; Steam does not automatically assume this, even if a game already has good support for Xbox controllers. “These two PlayStation controllers are quite different, so if you haven’t done any specific work to support them, you almost certainly don’t have support for these controllers,” the platform writes. Steamworks has APIs available that help developers add support for PlayStation controllers.

Steam users will be able to see if games support these PlayStation controllers starting in October. This will then be displayed, among other things, on the product pages in the Steam store. The information is also shown in the desktop client. Users can then see if games in their library support DualShock and DualSense controllers. If a game can only be played with a controller, that can also be displayed.

Pictures: Valve