Spotify has over 50 million active users

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Spotify claims to have more than 50 million active users, of which approximately 12.5 million have a paid subscription. The music service also claims to have paid out more than 2 billion dollars, or 1.6 billion euros, to labels and other publishers.

Spotify has announced in a statement that it has already paid out more than two billion dollars to musicians. This concerns an amount of approximately 1.6 billion euros. That money is earned, among other things, from the 12.5 million paying subscribers that the company has. In addition, Spotify reports between the lines that their streaming service now has more than 50 million active users. With those numbers, both the number of subscribers and the number of non-paying users increase significantly in a few months.

The vast majority of users therefore do not spend any money, but that group is still earned through advertisements. Spotify therefore claims to pay for every song. The service once again explains the way it works in response to the Taylor Swift incident. That artist recently removed all her music from the music platform, because she would earn too little from it. In addition, Swift described the music service as “modern piracy”.

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