Software Update: WizTree 4.09

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WizTree is a program that can analyze a hard disk at lightning speed to find files and folders that take up the most space. It is therefore a great tool to clean up the hard disk when there is a lack of space. The program can also search for certain file types and export the result of a san. WizTree is free to use in private environments and can also do its job without installing it first. Below is the changelog since version 4.01:

Changes in WizTree version 4.09:

  • Disk free space on treemap will now be displayed separately for each selection when using the “select multiple” option
  • Export functions updated to always format floating point values ​​(like percentages) using a point as currency separator. Previously it used the system locale character which is a comma in some countries. This extra comma would create problems when importing the data into other applications (like spreadsheets)
  • Double clicking a file or folder in the tree or file view will now automatically open it
  • Files/folders can now be dragged out of WizTree and into Windows Explorer windows to copy/move them. Hold Shift key while dragging to move the file, otherwise it will be copied. Dragging will only work when dragged from the file name column. Dragging in other columns will select all files in the selection rectangle.
  • Copy (Ctrl+C)/Cut (Ctrl+X) menu items added to File Menu. Copy path shortcut changed from Ctrl+C to Ctrl+Alt+C
  • Copy Path function will no longer include a trailing carriage return if only one item is selected
  • Drive name now displayed in tree view and treemap
  • Menu accelerator keys were not working in dark mode (fixed)
  • new command line parameter added to select size or allocated space for treemap image export (default is size):
    WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile=”C:\temp\cdriveimage_%d.png” /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1

Changes in WizTree version 4.08:

  • Added new “Filter Scan Results” option which allows entire scan results to be filtered using a user defined filter.
    Toggle the filter on or off by clicking on the filter icon under the Scan button, or select Options->Filter Scan Results, or press Ctrl+Shift+F
    The “Include Filter” will include only matching files in the results
    The “Exclude Filter” will exclude any matching files from the results
    Click on the “Apply Filter” button (or press Enter after making a filter change) to apply any filter changes made. Files are matched using the entire file path and file name. The filters support all standard file search functionality, such as wild cards, file size, file date etc. See this link for all search options:
    eg To filter only files of type mp3 or wav, larger than 5MB, excluding anything in the C:\Windows folder, you’d enter:
    Include Filter: *.mp3|*.wav >5m
    Exclude Filter: C:\Windows\
  • Wildcard search for file extensions was not working correctly when “match entire path” option was used – fixed
    eg searching for *.c would include files including “.c” anywhere in the file name, which would include *.cpp or *.c.bak files too.
  • Total space, space used, space free display fields widened to correctly display very large TB drive values ​​when displaying as Bytes
  • Window position was not being restored to correct position if Windows taskbar was not positioned at bottom of screen – fixed
  • Fixed some dark mode display issues on older versions of Windows (2003, XP)

Changes in WizTree version 4.07:

  • file name search will now ignore character accents (like é and ö) when searching.
    eg searching for “melee” will now correctly match file names containing “mêlée” or “MÊLÉE”
  • WizTree was not handling MTP/PTP devices that did not provide a “friendly name” correctly – fixed
  • MFT dump would fail on Windows XP – fixed
  • Removable USB devices formatted with NTFS would not be detected for high speed scanning or allow MFT dump – fixed
  • Checks if Windows Imaging Component is installed before starting up (cannot run without it). This is required for Windows 2003 and possibly some versions of XP

Changes in WizTree version 4.06:

  • File size info will now also be displayed on the treemap (if “show file and names in treemap” option enabled)
  • WizTree will now actually work on older versions of Windows like Windows XP (“fix” in 4.05 was incorrect)
  • treemap image can now be exported via command line. Use the following command line parameters:
    Set image file name (use %d and %t for current date and time in file name):

Changes in WizTree version 4.05:

  • WizTree 4.04 would display some error messages on PCs without MTP support (eg old versions of Windows XP) – fixed
  • Toggling Windows Explorer integration off did not fully remove WizTree from Windows Explorer context menus (bug introduced in 4.04) – fixed
  • Fixed title bar display issues issues with very high DPI screens (maximize/minimize buttons were too small)
  • WizTree installer now supports the following (optional) command line parameters:
    Set the supporter code license on install:
    Set the “always run as admin” setting:
    Set the “check for updates” setting:
    eg wiztree_x_xx_setup.exe /supportercode=1234-5678-abcd-1234 /runasadmin=false /checkforupdates=false

Changes in WizTree version 4.04:

  • WizTree can now scan mobile phones, music players, storage devices, cameras and other portable devices that support MTP/PTP (Media Transfer Protocol/Picture Transfer Protocol)
    For example, to scan files on your mobile phone, connect it to your PC using a USB cable. Your phone will then prompt you to select either “file transfer” or “photo transfer” mode. Once you’ve done this, your phone will appear in WizTree’s drop down drive list and can be selected to perform a scan.
  • MTP/PTP device folders may now be selected when using the “select folder” option
  • drawing treemap for multiple large drives may have left status message as “Show Treemap” even after drawing complete – fixed
  • Not (!) operator was not working correctly when followed by quoted search text – fixed
  • some results were not being included when using “?” wildcard and searching entire path – fixed
  • File search box and highlighted text were not handling right to left languages ​​like Arabic correctly – fixed

Changes in WizTree version 4.03:

  • Treemap may have failed to render on some very large hard drives – fixed
  • Zooming in on treemap will now hide “free space” if “show free space on treemap” is enabled
  • A limited context menu will now be available when loading CSV or MFT files from other PCs. Previously no context menu would appear if the file/folder didn’t exist on the local PC.

Changes in WizTree version 4.02:

  • Treemap now displays file and folder names for large files and folders.
    Double click on a folder or file in the treemap to “zoom” the treemap into that folder. Use new “..” and “\” buttons on treemap to unzoom one level or to reset the treemap to the root. You can also select “Zoom in Treemap” and “Zoom out treemap” from the file or folder context menu (right click menu)
    File and folder name display can be toggled via “Options->Show File and Folder Names in Treemap”
  • The “explore folder” option will now automatically select the file in Windows explorer if a file was selected
  • New search terms added to file search for files or folders only:
    Type in =folder or =folders in search to display folders only.
    Type in =file or =files in search to display files only.
  • new file length and path length search terms added:
    Use “namelen” and “pathlen” to search by file name length and path length
    eg to find files with path length (includes file name) greater than 255:
    to find file names with exactly 1 character:
  • new export command line parameters:
    To export “percent of parent” data, include the parameter:
    To set the maximum folder depth to be exported, include the parameter:
    Where n is the maximum folder depth.
    eg to export the root folders and files only:
    A max depth of 0 means unlimited (default)
  • Gradient in treemap can be now disabled by editing the WizTree3.ini file and setting

Version number 4.09
Release status Final
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
Website Antibody Software
File size


License type Freeware/Paid
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BelowDPIExplorerFolderPCsSoftwareUSBWindowsWindows XP