Software Update: Total Commander 8.50 RC 1

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After fifteen beta releases, the first release candidate of Total Commander version 8.50 has now appeared. This program can be used as a replacement for Windows Explorer. Splitting the image in half makes it easy to copy files, but the program can do much more. There are various ways to modify files, there is a built-in ftp client and a multirename tool, and there is support for a large number of compression formats. Furthermore, the functionality can be plugins be expanded. Since version 8.00 there are separate downloads for 32bit and 64bit environments.

New in version 8.50 is, among other things, that when copying, moving or deleting folders or files, all items that do not cause problems are handled first and that the user is only asked for the items that cause problems at the end. Furthermore, there is support for touch scenes and screens with a high resolution, and the search takes place in a separate process, so that the main screen remains available. The following changes and improvements have also been made in this version:


  • F5, F6, Shift+F6: Remove characters #00-#31 like line breaks (LF) in name and replace tabs by spaces when new name pasted from clipboard (32/64)


  • Shift+F6 edit field too short when renaming archive in search results – feed to listbox after finding files in multiple archives (32/64)
  • Field [] was limited to 127 characters, also affected [=tc.ext] (32/64)
  • Increased FTP reply timeout from 20 to 30 seconds while connecting (32/64)
  • Couldn’t open archives in virtual folders like the Desktop with Ctrl+PageDown (ENTER worked) (32/64)
  • Find files, feed to listbox, delete files -> the (not selected) file under the cursor could be removed from the list although it wasn’t deleted (32/64)
  • Support F5/F6 to select just the name or name+extension of a file also in various other dialogs (eg overwrite confirmation -> rename) (32/64)
  • Resizing caused by remote desktop could cause crash (division by zero) (64)
  • Multi-rename tool could show wrong file mask (eg [N][C] saved previously instead of [N]) when opened (32)
  • Surrounding double quotes (eg “* *”) not saved in the following places: Custom colors, wildcards in sync when saving settings, menu “Show” – “Custom”, Find files (save parameters), Print margins dialog (header text) (32/64)
  • Find duplicate files also in archives, feed to listbox -> we cannot show the result as duplicate files if the files are a mix from multiple archives, or normal files+archive files (32/64)

The most important additions of beta 1 can be found here. A list of additions and corrections, also for previous versions, can be found in the history file. As usual, the update is free for all registered users.

Version number 8.50 RC 1
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8
Website Ghisler
File sizes

3.53MB – 6.04MB

License type Shareware
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CharactersClipboardDownloadExplorerFTPMaskPHPProcessquotesRemoteResolutionSoftwareSoftware UpdateTotal CommanderTouchWindowsWindows 7Windows 8Windows ServerWindows XP