Software update: PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.3

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PowerDNS is a dns-server with a database as back-end, so that the management of a large number of dns-entries can take place in an easy way. The developers have previously decided to publish the two parts that make up PowerDNS, a recursor and a authoritative nameserver separately, so that a new version can be released faster and more accurately, according to the developers.

When you run a dns look-up, a recursor initially starts asking the look-up question to a dns root server. This can then refer to other servers, from where it can be redirected to other servers and so on, until finally a server is reached that knows the answer or knows that the look-up is not possible. This can be the case if the name does not exist or the servers do not respond. The process of walking past several authoritative servers is called recursion. The developers have released PowerDNS Recursor 4.1.3. The changes in this publication are as follows:

Version 4.1.3

This release improves the stability of the RPZ implementation, prevents metrics from slowing down the cleaning of EDNS Client Subnet entries from the cache.


  • Move carbon / web server / control / stats handling to a separate thread.
  • Use a separate, non-blocking pipe to distribute queries.
  • Add a subtree option to the API cache flush endpoint.
  • Update copyright years to 2018 (Matt Nordhoff).
  • Fix a warning on bot> = 2.5.0
  • Add _raw versions for QName / ComboAddresses to the FFI API.

Bug Fixes

  • Respect the AXFR timeout while connecting to the RPZ server
  • Do not increase the DNSSEC validation counters when running with process-no-validate.
  • Count a lookup into an internal auth zone as a cache miss.
  • Delay the loading of RPZ zones until the parsing is done, fixing a race condition.
  • Reorder includes to avoid boost L conflict
  • Use canonical ordering in the ECS index
  • Add-rdynamic to C {, XX} FLAGS when we build with LuaJIT.
  • Increase MTasker stacksize to avoid crash in exception unwinding (Chris Hofstaedtler).
  • Use the SyncRes time in our unit tests when checking cache validity (Chris Hofstaedtler).

CarbonCopyrightDNSindexManagementPowerDNSPowerDNS RecursorProcessSoftwareSoftware UpdateThread