Software Update: PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.2

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PowerDNS is a dns server with a database as back-end, which makes it easy to manage a large number of dns entries. The developers previously decided to release the two parts that make up PowerDNS, a recursor and an authoritative name server, separately. This means that a new version can be released faster and more specifically, according to the developers.

If you do a dns lookup, a recursor will initially start asking this question to a dns root server. This can then redirect to other servers, from where it can redirect to other servers, and so on, until finally a server is reached that knows the answer or knows that the look-up is not possible. The latter can be the case if the name does not exist or the servers do not respond. The process of going through different authoritative servers is called recursion. The developers have released PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.2. The changes in this release are as follows:

PowerDNS Recursor 4.0.2

This release fixes a regression in 4.x where CNAME records for DNSSEC signed domains were not sorted before the final answers, leading to some clients (notably some versions of Chrome) not being able to extract the required answer from the packet. This happened exclusively for DNSSEC signed domains, but the problem happens even for clients not requesting DNSSEC validation.

Further fixes and changes can be found below:

Bug fixes

  • #4264: Set dq.rcode before calling postresolve
  • #4294: Honor PIE flags.
  • #4310: Fix build with LibreSSL, for which OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER is irrelevant
  • #4340: Don’t shuffle CNAME records.
  • #4354: Fix delegation-only

Additions and enhancements

  • #4288: Respect the timeout when connecting to a protobuf server
  • #4300: allow newDN to take a DNSName in; document missing methods
  • #4301: expose SMN toString to lua
  • #4318: Anonymize the protobuf ECS value as well
  • #4324: Allow Lua access to the result of the Policy Engine decision, skip RPZ, finish RPZ implementation
  • #4349: Remove unused DNSPacket::d_qlen
  • #4351: RPZ: Use query-local-address(6) by default
  • #4357: Move the root DNSSEC data to a header file

Version number 4.0.2
Release status Final
Operating systems Linux, BSD, macOS, Solaris
Website PowerDNS
License type GPL
EngineHonorPowerDNSPowerDNS RecursorSoftware