Software Update: phpMyFAQ 1.6.0 RC1

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A system to easily create and maintain clear and comprehensive FAQs is phpMyFAQ. The system runs on an environment with at least PHP 4.1.0, a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM Cloudscape or Apache Derby) and a web server such as Apache or IIS. The feature list reports, among other things, that it can use an ldap server for checking user rights. The developers have released the first release candidate of version 1.6.0 with the following brief announcement:

The phpMyFAQ Team would like to announce the availability of the first release candidate of phpMyFAQ 1.6.0. This version includes updated Italian and Japanese translation. We also fixed many bugs. Do not use this version in production systems, but test this version and report bugs!

Version number 1.6.0 RC1
Website phpMyFAQ
License type GPL