Software Update: Iron 4.0.227 Beta

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SRWare is developing its own browser called Iron based on Google’s Chrome. According to the developers, Chrome includes a score that could potentially harm privacy and these have been resolved at Iron. SRWare has released a new beta version with 4.0.227 as the version number for both Windows if Linux. The accompanying short announcement looks like this:

New Iron-Release: 4.0.227 Beta and 4.0.227 Beta for Linux

Based on Chromium 4.0 we released a new Iron Version. New is a speed gain up to 30% and support for Bookmark-Synchronization. Additionally the Extension-System was improved, there is now a user-friendly control interface and you become warnings for potentially harmful plugins. Also the Windows 7 support is better in these versions: Aero Peek doesn’t work yet, but the integration in the new start menu is already done.

Version number 4.0.227 beta
Release status beta
Operating systems Windows 7, Linux, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Website SRWare
License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)
BrowserBSDChromeDownloadGoogleLinuxPHPPrivacySoftwareSoftware UpdateWindowsWindows 7Windows XP