Software update: EasyPHP 1.8

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EasyPHP is, as the name suggests, a handy package to install a complete PHP environment on the Windows platform. The package contains a web server, a database, a database management tool and of course PHP. Since a few days, version 1.8 is ready to be downloaded, in which the various components have been provided with new versions. The developers provide the following French release notes:

EasyPHP 1.8 version final : Au menu : Apache 1.3.33, PHP 4.3.10, MySql 4.1.9 et phpMyAdmin 2.6.1. Une nouveauté : la possibilité d’utiliser EasyPHP sur une clé USB. Il suffit de copier son repertoire d’installation sur la clé et lancer le manager. Good PHP!

PS: Suivre: une version 2.0 avec Apache 2 et PHP5.

Version number 1.8
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website EasyPHP
file size


License type Conditions (GNU/BSD/etc.)