Download BNR2 0.14.5 beta

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There is a new beta version of BNR2. BNR2 is short for Binary News Reaper and this program is intended to download files from usenet newsgroups. Some of the many features include the ability to connect to multiple news servers simultaneously, download optimization, automatic search and reconstruction of the different parts of a file, and the use of plugins. It can also display messages, but this is just an afterthought and there are better programs for this according to the developer. BNR2 0.14.5 is available for both Windows platform and Linux and the changelog accompanying this release shows the following changes:


  • Fixed problem with applying default values ​​for Delete selected file(s) and Delete selected read-only file(s) queries.
  • Added support for sorting by shortened author field values ​​instead of always doing Author sort based on the full author field values.
  • Fixed problem with the Mark as Read when closing group value displaying as Ask Me in the Group Properties form and getting reset to that value when accepting changes to the group’s properties without remembering to set it back to the desired value.
  • Setting Primary and Secondary sorts to the same column no longer causes additional reversals of the sort order and the Secondary sort column now reverts to Filename, or Offset when Filename is the Primary sort column.
  • Fixed AV error when attempting to sort Queue by Group column when one or more queued articles is assigned a NULL primary group.
  • Connections now changes to Error state and output a warning message when DNS Lookup fails instead of silently aborting the connection attempt.
  • Fixed bug in NZB import causing resizing of segment list on each segment processed instead of every 128 segments processed.
  • Fixed infinite looping bug in XML parser when parsing files containing 2 or more tags.
  • Relaxed rules for NZB file parsing to attempt to handle more data from corrupt NZB files.
  • Increasing number of connections to a server now checks the labels of existing connections and fills in any gaps instead of adding all the new connections to the end of the list with possible duplicate labels, which would result in multiple connections writing to the same log file.
  • Recuding number of connections to a server now delays removal of busy connections until they finish their current item instead of dropping the connections immediately.
  • Double-Clicking a group name on Newsgroups page now properly updates the display to reflect the new subscription status.
  • Unsubscribing from an open group now attempts to close the tab for that group before removing it instead of opening an error box and aborting.
  • Added popup hints to the Newsgroups and Queue grids.
  • Fixed problem with order of subscribed groups and group folders getting mixed up on Groups page after user manually rearranges them.
  • Fixed problem with AV’s during shutdown when using server folders.
  • Rewrote code for saving servers list to avoid potential infinite loops.
  • Clicking inside the About box credits area now restores focus to the OK button and only attempts to launch real URL and email links.
  • System Tray icon now shows the specified title string in the tooltip box instead of nothing at all when the “Info to show on the caption and in the taskbar button” setting is set to “Always show title” in Options | Appearance | Caption & Status bar.
  • Changed server-group code to switch from a read lock to a write lock when creating new server-group objects during a lookup.
  • Adjustment to HandleGROUP to try to detect lost connections and exit out without sending another command to the server.
  • Modified XOVER exception handlers to attempt to continue to next article when a bad article is encountered instead of aborting the rest of the header download and stalling the server.
  • Added queue size in bytes, ETA and download rate information to stutus information that appears on both the statusbar hint and the title bar (when configured to show the status information instead of the title string).
  • Eliminated unnecessary white space padding between ETA and download rate on toolbar for the queue.
  • Changed lower limit for number of items to keep in search history to 0, so that user can disable search histories.
  • The selection info panel on the statusbar now shows accurate part, file and size data when selecting multiple expanded hierarchy rows.
  • Added exception handlers around calls to dump raw header data when using the -dump command-line parameter to prevent BNR from not storing the new article data when a problem occurs trying to write to the dump file such as dump file target HD full, or dump file is locked by another process.
  • Fixed a bug in date/time stamp parsing causing seconds to be ignored and its value being combined with +/- time zone adjustment value leading to potential integer overflows and invalid times.
  • Added exception handler inside date/time stamp parser to quietly ignore invalid integer values ​​instead of throwing a Range Check exception and failing to store article data.
  • Fixed problem with connections stalling after the server disconnects the connection and BNR reestablishes the connection. This problem may have also been part of the cause of the initial disconnect by the server as well.
  • Fixed problem with inflationed values ​​for selected article, file and size statistics in status bar in certain situations when selecting multiple rows in the Hierarchy view.
  • Numerous minor optimizations, such as adding the const directive to string and array parameters passed into various functions that do not modify those values.

[break]The following downloads are available:
BNR2 0.14.5 beta, Windows installer
BNR2 0.14.5 beta, Windows update
BNR2 0.14.5 beta, Linux installer
BNR2 0.14.5 beta, Linux update[break] click for a larger version

Version number 0.14.5 beta
Operating systems Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP
Website BNR
License type Freeware

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