Skype testing phone screen sharing for iOS and Android app

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Microsoft is working on a feature that will allow Skype users to share their screen content with an interlocutor. This allows others to watch live what is on the user’s screen. The feature is now available to Insider users on iOS and Android.

To use the feature, the latest Insider version must be installed on the user’s phone, Microsoft reports. After that, the function can be found in the settings menu of the Skype video session. When users press Share screen there, they get a notification that everything from the screen is being shared, including notifications. To activate the feature, users must press Start Broadcast.

According to Microsoft, the feature is useful for users who want to show colleagues a PowerPoint presentation, or if users want to share swipes from dating apps with friends. This would also make online shopping with another person possible.

It is unknown if and when the feature will be available to all Skype users. However, on January 15, a function to blur backgrounds was discovered in an Insider version. On February 7, more than three weeks later, the feature became available for the regular Skype version. This new feature may therefore be available to all iOS and Android users within a few weeks.

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