Rumor: Apple has resumed AirPower development

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Apple is rumored to be working on its AirPower wireless charging mat again. Early last year, Apple canceled that product announced in 2017 after development setbacks. It is not certain whether the product will still be available.

According to YouTuber Jon Prosser has Apple picked up the project internally again. Ways to get rid of the heat better would be sought. Prosser claims to have verified this with multiple sources. The YouTuber has previously released correct information about the Google Pixel 4, but to what extent his sources at Apple are correct remains to be seen.

Early this year, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said Apple is working on a smaller wireless charging mat, due out in the first half of this year. It is not clear whether that smaller version will also be called AirPower. Possibly the development that Prosser is talking about has to do with that.

Apple announced its AirPower in September 2017, at the presentation of the iPhone X and iPhone 8. The charging mat was intended to wirelessly charge multiple devices, such as an iPhone and Apple Watch. After the introduction it remained silent and the wireless charger never came out. At the end of March last year, Apple canceled the product, saying it was unable to make the product meet its standards. It had previously been revealed through conversations with employees that the mat would become too hot and that interference would be a problem.

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AirPowerAppleApple WatchChargerGooglehotiPhoneiPhone 8iPhone XPixelRumorWireless ChargerWireless Charging