Reddit user gets to see Spotify hi-fi subscription in music service survey

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A Reddit user says he received a survey from Spotify in which the company asked about the user’s plans to return to the streaming service. In that survey, Spotify would also have mentioned a hi-fi subscription.

Reddit user nearlymind suggests that he had been a Spotify Premium subscriber for ten years and recently decided to switch to Apple Music, Apple’s music streaming service. Shortly after the termination of his subscription with the Swedish music company, he said he was shown a survey from Spotify in the iOS app of the service asking whether he would like to return to the streaming service if that service had some features. .

The Reddit user would then have received an overview of subscription formulas from Spotify that also included a hi-fi subscription formula, called Platinum. This formula would cost $19.99 per month per account and, judging by the screenshot, includes all the options of the individual Spotify Premium subscription. On top of that, a user would be able to hear high-fidelity music and have Studio Sound, Headphone Tuner, Audio Insights, Library Pro, Playlist Pro features and a limited number of ads on Spotify Podcasts. It is not clear what the functions entail exactly.

Spotify has not yet officially responded to the Reddit user’s message. The company has announced that it wants to start with a hi-fi subscription in 2021. With this, the streaming service wanted to offer ‘lossless music with CD quality’. Initially, the hi-fi subscription should have come in 2021, but that did not happen. In early 2022, Spotify announced that it was still working on a hi-fi option. It would become available ‘in the future’. The company did not provide details about the timing at the time. Apple Music will receive support for lossless audio in 2021 at no additional cost to subscribers. Amazon Music Unlimited subscribers will also have access to lossless audio at no additional cost since 2021. Tidal lowered the price of the standard hi-fi subscription at the end of 2021 and then also introduced a new hi-fi subscription.

Spotify Platinum mention in Reddit user survey. Source: reddit