Pentagon CEO: Starlink could very quickly thwart Russian internet disruption

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SpaceX Starlink has consistently thwarted Russian attempts to disrupt Starlink internet in Ukraine. According to the director of electronic warfare, even the Ministry of Defense could not have reacted so quickly.

Starlink has thwarted several attempts to disrupt internet connectivity since committing thousands of Starlink terminals to Ukraine, writes Business Insider. According to Dave Tremper, director at the US Department of Defense headquarters, Elon Musk’s company did it surprisingly quickly: “Starlink wrote a few lines of code and solved the problem. [De aanval van de Russen] was suddenly ineffective. How Starlink did that brought tears to my eyes,” said Tremper during the C4ISRNET Conference.

The satellite internet company serves as an example of how a company can quickly adapt to cyber attacks, according to the Pentagon CEO. “The way Starlink quickly defended itself when a threat arose; we should have that agility too.”

It is not known exactly how the Russians tried to thwart the Internet connection via Starlink in Ukraine. The end of March wrote The Washington Post that Russian hackers were trying to disrupt ‘satellite communication devices’. In a response to this post Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that Starlink has “at least so far repulsed all hacking and jamming attempts.”

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