Opera releases Touch browser for use with one hand

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Opera has released a new browser for smartphones with an interface designed for single-handed use. Opera Touch is now available for Android and soon there will be an iOS version.

To make use with one hand Opera put all the key functionality of the Touch browser at the bottom, so that users can to be able to operate their thumb. The browser always starts in a search mode, with the keyboard already in the foreground and the cursor in the address bar.
According to Opera, the Touch browser is fast to use and no actions are required before surfing can begin. Opera Touch also includes a voice search function and an option to scan qr or barcodes, to perform a search or to go to a website.
Furthermore Opera promises with the function Flow a integration between the Touch browser and the desktop version of the Opera browser. By scanning a qr code with the mobile browser, which is displayed in the desktop version, users can synchronize sessions without having to log in.
Opera Touch is downloading in the Google Play Store. The makers say that there is also an iOS version coming up and that it is coming soon.


AndroidBrowserGoogleGoogle PlayGoogle Play StoreiOSMobileOperaPlay StoreScanningSmartphonesTabletsTouchTouch Browser