Opera integrates Twitter into browser sidebar

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Opera has released version 69 of its browser and with this release the developers have integrated Twitter into the social media sidebar. In addition, there are improvements to Workspaces.

Opera users can now add Twitter to the sidebar. Opera previously introduced support for Instagram, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and VKontakte for the function bar that is displayed on the left by default. The integration of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger has been around since 2017.

Twitter can be added via the menu at the bottom left of the Messengers section. Users can then access the platform via the Twitter icon and view feeds, use the search function and post messages. According to Opera, the recent addition of Instagram brought a rush of users, and the company hopes that a focus on social media will lead to renewed popularity. According to NetMarketShare, Opera has a market share of 1.3 percent.

Also new in version 69 are the arrival of a weather widget on the home page and a changed display when switching between tabs with the key combination ctrl + tab. In addition, an option in the context menu has been added to open a Workspace. Workspaces allow users to group tabs.

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BrowserFacebookFacebook MessengerInstagramMessengerOperaSocial mediaTelegramTwitterWeatherWhatsapp