Number of active Twitter users increases by six million

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The number of people who log in to Twitter once a month increased by six million in the past quarter. The social network now has 336 million users, the company says in its quarterly figures.

This means that the number of monthly active users has increased by about 1.8 percent. The number of people logging in daily increased by about 10 percent, Twitter says. The company would not say how many there are. The number of daily users has been increasing for a few years now.

Twitter also claims to be successful in reducing spam on the network. It says shutting down 142,000 apps from the Twitter api and restricting TweetDeck has reduced the number of accounts that generate spam by 90 percent, while the number of low-quality tweets from such accounts fell by 130 million, according to the company. the same period last year.

In recent months, Twitter has achieved revenue of $665 million and gross profit or EBITDA of $244 million. Both are significantly higher than in the same period last year. Half of the revenue comes from video ads.
