Niantic is going to make ar games around tourist locations

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Niantic has partnered with the United Nations World Tourism Organization to combine augmented reality mobile games with real world locations. The aim is to promote ‘responsible tourism’.

Niantic and the UNWTO do not reveal much about the plans, but it seems to be ar games that allow tourists to learn more about locations in the world in a playful way. Niantic talks about “campaigns” for “discoveries” and creating “awareness about destinations around the world.”

The collaboration is part of the UNWTO’s Travel.Enjoy.Respect program, with which the organization tries to stimulate sustainable and responsible tourism. The different ways in which Niantic will combine tourism and augmented reality should build on this.

Niantic is the creator of Pokémon Go and the less successful Ingress. The company will release a mobile Harry Potter game next year. This game, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, should generate new income, just like the cooperation with the UNWTO.

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