New Metroid Dread Update Adds Boss Rush Modes And Two Difficulty Levels

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Nintendo rolled out a free update for the Switch game Metroid Dread on Thursday, which includes three different Boss Rush modes. In addition, two new difficulty levels have been added: the easy Rookie mode and the above-average difficult Dread mode.

In the release notes of version 2.1.0 Nintendo explains more about the Boss Rush modes. There is the regular Boss Rush, Survival Rush and Dread Rush. There is also more information about the two new difficulty levels: Rookie Mode and Dread Mode. Two difficulty levels were already available, namely Normal Mode and Hard Mode.

Rookie Mode is best suited for new players. Enemies deal less damage in that mode than in Normal Mode and more items are available. At the other end of the spectrum is Dread Mode. In this mode, if the player is hit by an attack or injured by a fall, the game ends immediately.

The first Boss Rush mode is available after the player has completed Metroid Dread. In this, the player must defeat twelve bosses in the shortest possible time. Any damage he takes carries over to the next battle. Weapons stocks are fully replenished between battles. If the player is defeated, he can choose ‘Retry’ to continue playing from the beginning of the battle he just lost. However, there is a time penalty. 15 seconds are then added to the total time. There is also the opportunity to ‘practice’ on individual bosses.

Dread Rush is very similar to Boss Rush, except that the player is killed after a blow from the boss. Dread Rush becomes available once the player has completed Metroid Dread on the Dread difficulty setting.

The final Boss Rush mode is Survival Rush, which can be played after completing Boss Rush or Dread Rush once. In this, the player must defeat as many bosses as possible within five minutes.

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