Mozilla will hide compact mode in Firefox instead of removing it

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Mozilla has decided not to remove Compact Mode in Firefox, but instead to hide it. Users who have now activated the compact view can continue to use it, says the browser builder.

New users will no longer see the option in Firefox 89 and higher in the interface, but can activate it in the about: config, says Bugzilla. Mozilla announced last month that it would remove the option altogether, but the users who were there argued against it. That’s why the browser builder has now adjusted the plan.

The option can be found in the Customize Toolbar menu, where it is an option at the bottom of the screen. According to Mozilla, that place is difficult to find and that was one of the reasons for canceling the position. Mozilla has now turned back to that decision. There are three display options: compact, normal and touch.

Firefox 89 is the first with a redesigned design . The number of notifications from the browser has been reduced and many menus and menu items have been given a new look, the browser builder says. The first Nightly test version appeared last month and Firefox 89 should be released in a stable release in mid-May.

BrowserFirefoxMozillaPlanTest VersionToolbarTouch