Ministry of Health warns against phishing via fake CoronaMelder SMS

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The Ministry of Health warns of a text message in which people receive a link to download the CoronaMelder app. The text message is sent on behalf of the RIVM, but according to the ministry this is incorrect.

In the tweet from the ministry the government body refers to a tweet from user Guido, which shares a screenshot of a text message. There is a WhatsApp link in this post. The sender of the text message is Rivm, with the telephone number 0800-1202. This is the national telephone number to schedule a corona test appointment with the GGD.

The ministry advises people not to click on the link and delete the message. What happens when users click on the link is not clear. According to the government body, this is a phishing campaign. The ministry emphasizes that the CoronaMelder app cannot yet be downloaded. Last week it was announced that the app can be downloaded from 17 August.

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