Leaked: Apple launches new iPad Pro 2018 in October

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That in 2018 a new iPad Pro with Face ID appears, we know for a while almost certainly . But thanks to a leak in the iOS 12.1 beta it has also become concrete when the iPad Pro 2018 release probably takes place: in October!

iPad Pro 2018 release

It is something developer Guilherme Rambo of 9to5Mac does more often: dig into the firmware of an iOS beta. Similarly with the test version of iOS 12.1 and in the Setup app, Rambo discovered something interesting. Reference is made to “iPad2018Fall” – and that does iOS 12 not.

This indicates that the new iPad Pro 2018 runs on iOS 12.1. It is expected that this update for iOS 12 will appear at the end of October, so it is likely that the iPad Pro with Face ID is available at that time.

Earlier there were already rumors that Apple is organizing a new event in October, where the company is iPad Pro 2018 and 13-inch MacBook presents. With the found reference in the iOS 12.1 beta, an announcement of the iPad Pro in October has become even more likely.

iPad Pro with Face ID

According to rumors there is a radically renewed iPad Pro 2018 in the making. Just like the latest iPhones, you would unlock the iPad with your face, instead of your fingerprint. As a result, the home button disappears and the front almost exclusively consists of a screen.

The fact that the iPad Pro receives Face ID has also become more secure with the iOS 12.1 beta. Developer Steve Troughton-Smith encountered references to Face ID support in landscape mode, a feature that is most likely intended for the iPad Pro.

AppleFace IDFingerprintFirmwareiOSiOS 12iPadiPad ProiPad Pro 2018iPhonesMacBookMagazineMojaveRumorsTest Version