Israeli Musicians Create New ‘Contest Song’ Using AI

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A group of Israeli musicians have composed a song on the occasion of the Eurovision Song Contest using artificial intelligence. An Oracle cloud machine learning platform fused fragments of two hundred Eurovision entries into one new song.

According to the makers, the song Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears, which can be listened to and viewed on YouTube, is the first Euro song that was created via artificial intelligence. Together with Oracle, the team fed over two hundred existing Eurovision entries to a neural network. A deep-learning algorithm then produced thousands of new tunes and lines of text.

The selection of the best pieces was still done by hand, by composer and songwriter Amir Sheinfeld and producer Avshalom Ariel. The final lyrics were then sung by Izhar Cohen, who won the song contest for Israel in 1978 with the song Abanibi. According to the makers, Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears has everything a good Eurovision song should have. “It’s melodramatic, kitschy and full of humor and gimmicks.”

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Artificial intelligenceCloudeurohumorLearningMachineProducerTeamYoutube