Internet Archive adds in-browser emulation for Commodore 64

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If you don’t have a Commodore 64 at home, but still want to play titles like Lode Runner, you can indulge yourself in the collection of the Internet Archive. That is working on an in-browser emulator for Commodore 64 titles.

According to Jason Scott, which is responsible for the C64 collection on the Internet Archive, there are now more than 10,000 titles playable via the emulator. There is a chance that not all of them will work, because so far only tested whether they start up properly. The site is not particularly fast, but with a little patience you can start a game. Swapping drives is one of the features that is still being worked on.

Scott says the emulation may be thanks to the use of the Vice emulator, version 3.2 to be specific. In the coming weeks, his team will be busy taking screenshots and conducting tests. There will also be a so-called Showcase collection, which will include special titles. Users can nominate candidates for this, Scott said.

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