Intel halts development of Vaunt glasses with head-up display and closes gadget department

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Intel’s Vaunt glasses, which are equipped with a head-up display for displaying notifications, among other things, will not be developed further. Also, Intel is closing its New Devices Group that is working on such gadgets.

Intel has now confirmed to The Verge that the glasses will not be on the market, not even for developers. The project has been completely stopped and Intel is also closing the underlying division, the New Devices Group, where such gadgets are being worked on. That department would consist of about two hundred employees, according to The Information.

The existence of the Vaunt glasses came out in February, when The Verge got a demonstration of a prototype of the device. At the time, Intel said it plans to open the glasses to developers this year.

The glasses used a very faint laser to project an image of approximately 400×150 pixels onto a holographic reflector, which then reflects it onto the wearer’s retina. As a result, the image would always be sharp.

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