Instagram is testing posting to feed via desktop browser

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As a test, Instagram allows a limited number of users to post to their feed via the desktop browser. Users do not need to change any workaround or settings for this. Instagram says it wants to improve the experience via the desktop browser.

Developer and reverse engineer Alessandro Paluzzi discovered the functionality already more than a month ago. At that time, according to him, it was still an internal test of the company. Via other Twitterers he then learned that Instagram had activated the feature with a number of users who were suddenly able to post to their Instagram feed via the desktop browser.

The social media company confirmed to Engadget that it is indeed testing the feature with a number of users. “We know that a lot of people use Instagram via their computers. To improve the experience via the computer, we are now testing the ability to post photos via the desktop browser,” a representative said. It is not clear when the functionality will be available to everyone.

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BrowserEngadgetInstagramMedia CompanySocial media