Hackers steal user data on eBay

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Hackers have accessed a database of user data on eBay auction site. Among other things, encrypted passwords were stolen. Ebay asks all its users to change their password.

The attack on the database is said to have taken place sometime between the end of February and the beginning of March after the hackers obtained login details from an employee. However, the hacking attack is said to have only been discovered by eBay two weeks ago. In addition to encrypted passwords, the attackers also gained access to email addresses, home addresses, dates of birth, usernames and phone numbers.

According to the auction site, in all likelihood no credit card information was stolen. The company also claims that there are no indications that the stolen data was used in suspicious transactions on its auction platform.

Even though the passwords in the database were encrypted, attackers can still try to crack them. Ebay has therefore decided to ask all its 112 million users to change their passwords. The auction site also warns against choosing a password that is already used on other websites, a practice that, despite the dangers, still applies to many internet users. Subsidiary PayPal had previously requested its users to change their eBay passwords.
